I have seen many photographers buying a UV filter, just after purchasing a new DSLR/ Mirrorless camera. So, my question is why buy a UV Filter? Do you really need it for your camera? Let us find out.
This article will help you to understand what a Neutral Density (ND) filter is all about, how to use it, and when to use it. This guide will help you to choose the right Neutral Density filter.
If you are into landscape photography, then you would have come across the term camera filters. You may have heard about CPL filter or Circular Polarizer Filter. The question is, do you really need a CPL filter for photography? To answer this question, let us see what all things this CPL filter can do. It will help you to decide whether to use one or not.
If your interest is in photographing beautiful landscapes, you must consider picking up a Graduated Neutral Density filter. So, what is the use of the Grad ND filter? How does it really help to improve your pictures? Also, How to use one? I will share the answers to all these questions through this guide. If you are looking to buy a grad ND filter, you will find this guide very useful.
A filter is one of the important photography accessories, especially for a landscape photographer. There are different types of camera filters available in the market. Each of these camera filters is designed to do a specific job. They come in different shapes and sizes.