There are many ways to make a photo interesting to the viewer. Selective focus in photography is one such technique. If you are a newbie, you will be interested to know about selective focus and how to use it in your images.
Are you looking to learn about framing in photography? If yes, you have come to the right place. In this guide, I will share everything about framing in photography. You can use this as a beginner’s guide.
If you are looking to buy a camera for the first time because of your interest in photography, you will be interested to know about “ZOOM in photography”. As an amateur photographer, it is essential to understand the two types of zoom in photography – Optical and Digital.
One question I frequently get these days is, “How to Get into Photography?” There will be two types of people who will be looking to enter photography. One set of people will be looking at photography as a hobby, and the other section as a career option.
If you have just started photography, you will be exploring your new camera to learn all the essential functions that can help you capture beautiful images. I will share the 10 basic camera functions that you need to learn and understand for better pictures. These functions will be present in cameras from all brands. So, you can use this guide for cameras from Nikon, Canon, Sony, Fuji, etc. It will work for all camera brands.
When it comes to photography, there is something called the “point of view“. It is the place where you keep the camera for a photoshoot with respect to the position of your subject. There are multiple points of view in photography. Eye level view photography is one such view.
If you are into photography or videography, it is essential to understand the different types of light modifiers. Light modifiers allow you to change the quality of the light. You can use it for natural light and artificial lights from flash and strobes (continuous lights).
As a photographer, you will be interested to capture stunning images. So, it is essential to know all the necessary ingredients to create a stunning image. The texture in photography is one such ingredient that you can use either alone or with other elements. In order to use this element in the right way in your image, you must know everything about it.
The Sunny 16 rule is another basic photography rule. It is related to camera exposure. So, any newbie needs to learn and understand this rule. You can use this guide to master the sunny f16 rule in photography.
Are you looking for the best photography books to read and gain knowledge about cameras and photography? Nowadays, there are many photography books. But, most of them are not good when it comes to the learning part. In this article, I will share the 23 best photography books that I found very useful. It will be suitable for both beginners and professionals. I will cover books for Beginners, Professionals, Post-Processing, and the Business side of photography.